Multiple Rental Boiler Equipment Supplied To Major Northern California Refiner - Nationwide Boiler Inc.
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About Nationwide Boiler

Fremont, CA, March 24, 2014

Nationwide Boiler Inc. supplied and delivered a large order of boiler rental equipment to a major oil refinery located in Northern California. The equipment included three 70,000 lb/hr trailer-mounted watertube boilers, two mobile feedwater systems, and three CataStak™ selective catalytic reduction (SCR) systems for NOx emissions compliance.

The original inquiry for two watertube boilers, boiler feedsystems and CataStak SCR’s was received by Sales Engineer, Tim McBride. The rental boiler equipment was required on a fast-track basis and an additional rental boiler and CataStak™ SCR system were requested upon delivery of the initial units. In order to fulfill the customer’s request, Nationwide Boiler quickly commissioned a boiler that had returned from another rental project. All equipment is currently onsite and in operation, and are scheduled to remain at the facility at least until the end of the month. Nationwide Boiler’s prompt response and equipment turn-around time helped secure the rental for this project.

Nationwide Boiler has been serving the petroleum refinery industry for nearly fifty years. The company offers a complete line of low NOx boilers, mobile rental units, the exclusive EconoStak economizer for fuel efficiency, CataStak™ SCR Systems for 2½ ppm NOx compliance, and boiler related equipment for rental, short-term, seasonal, emergency use, or for sale, and turnkey steam plant projects. For more information about Nationwide Boiler’s products and services, visit their website at

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Editorial Contact:  Chelsey Ryker, Nationwide Boiler Incorporated (510) 490-7100
Technical Contact: Tim McBride, Nationwide Boiler Incorporated (510) 490-7100

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