Why Buy Used Boilers from Nationwide Boiler - Nationwide Boiler Inc.
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Boiler Equipment Sales - Nationwide Boiler

There are several advantages for purchasing a used, reconditioned boiler: quick delivery and start-up, lower costs, quality inspected boiler equipment and the same guarantees as a new boiler. When deciding between a new or used boiler, Nationwide Boiler delivers boiler performance you can depend on.

Review the table below to learn about the many advantages to buying a used / reconditioned boiler from Nationwide Boiler Inc. 


Delivery Manufacturer’s lead times can be 12-24 weeks.

Boiler is in stock and available for immediate delivery.

Boiler Cost A new boiler is dependent on current material and manufacturing costs.

A reconditioned boiler is typically 60% of the cost of a new boiler.

Warranty Manufacturer’s standard.

Same guarantee as new, warranted for 6-12 months.

Lease/Buy Not typically an option.

A Nationwide Boiler reconditioned boiler can be leased with an option to buy or sold on an installment basis.

Boiler Quality Manufacturer has standard shop and assembly procedures.

Nationwide Boiler has established procedures and is an ASME code certified shop. Every reconditioned boiler is internally inspected and hydrostatically tested, with all systems checked prior to delivery.

Boiler Performance Manufacturer designs boiler to meet specific needs.

Nationwide Boiler retrofits existing boilers to meet current industry standards:  ASME, low emissions, controls, etc.

Start-up Typically 2 - 3 weeks.

Nationwide Boiler's equipment has been thoroughly shop tested reducing field start-up time.

Service Calls A manufacturer's service representative can typically only be reached during normal business hours.

Nationwide Boiler service engineers can be reached 24 hours a day at our toll-free number: 1-800-227-1966.

Boiler Installation Generally not an option.  Customer’s scope of supply.

Nationwide Boiler offers complete turnkey installations.


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