Nationwide Boiler is dedicated in achieving exceptional boiler performance for our rental fleet of boilers and for our customers.
We continually seek technology that offers the maximum emission reductions and the highest thermal efficiency that may provide valuable emission credits and energy rebates.
This tradition continues with the introduction of Nationwide’s Best Performance Standards (BPS) Boiler. The BPS boiler is designed with the latest efficiency upgrades (high turndown controls, O2 trim, VFDs, and extended surface economizers) and includes the industry standard for NOx control, the CataStak™ SCR System for 2.5 ppm NOx, with Nationwide’s NOx reduction control system.
The yearly efficiency savings and emission reductions that are quickly achieved with a BPS boiler provide a greater return on investment and peace of mind with compliance assurance. When faced with a new boiler or retrofit decision, consult Nationwide first to make sure that your boiler is BPS assured. Call Nationwide Boiler today to discuss a BPS solution that delivers immediate efficiency gains and a reduced carbon footprint.
Best Performance Standards Boilers - Project Spotlights

Del Monte Foods
Nationwide Boiler supplied Del Monte (Modesto) a new 50,000 pph Babcock & Wilcox watertube boiler with a low NOx burner, CataStak™ SCR system and EconoStak economizer. An energy efficient condensing heat recovery system was also supplied (by others). Del Monte’s Hanford facility retrofitted two (2) 100,000 pph watertube boilers with CataStak™ SCR systems and EconoStak economizers. Both projects resulted in <5 ppm NOx and <5 ppm NH3 slip. The Modesto project was certified to operate at 95% fuel-to-steam efficiency and Del Monte received a substantial rebate from the local utility company to help offset the cost of the project.

Los Gatos Tomato
Nationwide Boiler retrofitted a 150,000 pph Superior watertube boiler with a CataStak™ SCR system and EconoStak economizer at Los Gatos Tomato in Huron, CA. The boiler also included a standard no FGR low NOx burner, VFD, and O2 trim (supplied by the customer). The CataStak™ performed at <5 ppm NOx and <5 ppm NH3 slip, well exceeding the NOx limits required by the local air quality resource board. The local utility provider issued an energy efficiency rebate of $146,351 to Los Gatos Tomato, significantly decreasing the payback period of the project. Los Gatos Tomato also projects yearly operating savings in fuel and electricity of $1,000/year.

JG Boswell Tomato Company
Nationwide Boiler provided two (2) E2Stak solutions, complete with two (2) new Babcock & Wilcox watertube boilers, CataStak™ SCR systems, EconoStak economizers and low NOx burners to JG Boswell Tomato Company. The new 81,400 pph (Buttonwillow facility) and 125,000 pph (Corcoran facility) watertube boilers were designed with the latest energy efficient auxiliaries and NOx reduction technology equipment for total Best Performance Standards (BPS) performance. Both boilers operated at the highest efficiency and easily met NOx requirements, providing the customer with future compliance assurance with the lowest carbon footprint available.