Nationwide Boiler offers customized boiler skid packages for many types of steam and hot water boiler applications. Fully modular, skid-mounted units, single and multi-boiler applications, and packages designed for an easy “single lift” installation. We also offer auxiliary and boiler related equipment including economizers, deaerators, feedwater systems, water softeners, blowdown separators, custom control systems, and our proven CataStak SCR System for ultra low NOx emissions compliance.
Nationwide Boiler's stock boiler program includes package boilers in a variety of sizes and configurations. This include 47.5 to 800 hp package firetube boilers, up to 100,000 lb/hr package watertube boilers, and boiler-only systems or factory integrated packages, all pre-piped and wired.
Call today at 800-227-1966 today to get started on your next boiler project.
Nationwide Boiler selects only those manufacturers who provide the highest quality products and services possible. Our manufacturers have helped us maintain a superior reputation and we will continue to maintain positive relationships with them in order to form new partnerships and deliver the best available products and services to our customers.

Babcock & Wilcox
As a proud partner and stocking distributor and California representative for Babcock & Wilcox (B&W), Nationwide Boiler has supplied innovative products manufactured by B&W to thousands of customers worldwide. With over 4,400 boiler units in operation across the world and a long tradition of supplying boiler systems dating back to 1867, no other company is more synonymous with steam generation than Babcock & Wilcox (an ISO 9001 and ASME certified company).Nationwide Boiler stocks the versatile Babcock & Wilcox model FM 120-124 boiler, which supplies 200,000 lbs/hr of superheated steam and operates up to 750 psig/750°F. This boiler is available for immediate delivery. Nationwide Boiler has extensive experience shipping boilers to plants worldwide throughout North America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, and South America.
Nationwide Boiler not only stocks Babcock & Wilcox boilers for sale, but also highly utilizes B&W equipment in the company's rental fleet. Plant operators continue to rely on the trusted B&W brand name as a reliable steam source for their most vital operations.

Hurst Boiler & Welding Co., Inc.
The Hurst Product Line includes package firetube boilers up to 4,500 hp with design pressures to 900 psi and feedwater equipment for all heating & process applications including schools, dry cleaning, hospitals, universities, military & all commercial/industrial operations. Hurst is a custom manufacturer of engineered packaged boilers & boiler systems, biomass boiler systems & accessories. Low NOx modular boilers & burner configurations are available for all models, starting at 9.5 hp, meeting all state environmental requirements, including SCAQMD.
Nationwide Boiler is a stocking distributor for Hurst, as well as the exclusive representative for Hurst Boilers in the state of California as well as the Greater Houston Area of Texas.

Vapor Power
Nationwide Boiler is the exclusive California representative for Vapor Power’s Electrode boiler line, a high efficiency, high quality electric steam boiler that offers a zero emissions solution. Typical sizes range from 10,000 to 113,000 lb/hr (3,000 to 34,000 kW) with design pressures of 100-500 psig.
Since 1903, Vapor Power International has been an industry leading innovator in the boiler and steam generation industry. With extensive quality measures integrated into the disgn and manufacturing process, customers can reap years of value. Complete product offerings include steam generators, thermal fluid heaters, resistance-type electric boilers, electrode electric boilers, and gas and oil fired steam superheaters.
Precision Boilers
Nationwide Boiler is also a California-based representative for Precision resistance-type electric steam boilers from 100 to 10,000 lb/hr steam capacity at 99.5% efficiency. These boilers deliver high-quality, dry steam with minimum carryover and no vent stack or combustion air louvers are required.
Precision Boiler's unique skid packaged steam systems are custom designed, fabricated, and factory-tested by Precision to minimize field installation time and expenses.With a history dating back to 1946, Precision continues to innovate and grow with their fuel-fired and electric boiler lines. Nationwide Boiler now offers Precision Electric skid-mounted boiler packages, in-stock and available for rental or for sale.

Oilon burners range in size from 0.3 - 307.1 MMBtu/hr and can be utilized for several different boilers and applications. Whether you have a 30 ppm low NOx or 2.5 ppm ultra-low NOx requirement, we have a reliable burner solution for you. Oilon has extensive expertise in efficient performance, reliability and low emission levels. While they have standard burners available, they can also provide customized burner solutions.Nationwide Boiler represents Oilon burners for customers throughout California, Oregon and Washington.

E-Tech Heat Recovery
E-Tech has provided engineered, precise custom solutions for waste heat recovery needs since 1976. Their solutions produce efficiencies of up to 95% from your fuel dollar, while reducing pollutants in your exhaust.
Nationwide Boiler represents E-Tech Heat Recovery Systems exclusively for the entire states of California and Nevada. Products include heat exchangers, box economizers, condensing economizers, circular economizers, Economite in-stack economizers, process heaters, thermal fluid heaters, heat recovery steam generators, waste heat boilers, and Thermochargers.