Nationwide Boiler wants to ensure that you have the answers to all of your rental boiler related questions. Use ctrl+s on your keyboard to open up a search, and search for the topic of your question. If you don't see your question(s) listed below, call us at (800) 227-1966 and we will surely have an answer for you.
Who provides insurance?
The Lessee agrees to provide full protection for the boiler. This value will be noted on the Lease Rental Agreement. Generally, your boiler insurance policy and general liability insurance will automatically pick up this risk.
Who pays the freight for the rental boiler
Freight costs are the Lessee's responsibility. Nationwide will make the arrangements and bill the customer an additional 15% handling fee. Freight is typically billed in two parts, one invoice for the incoming shipment and a second invoice for the shipment back to storage.
What about loading and unloading charges, if any?
Typically applicable for skid-mounted boiler and auxiliary equipment rentals, the Lessee is responsible for these charges. Watertube rental boilers with outputs of 82,500 lb/hr and above are accompanied by one or two extra flatbeds carrying the economizer, stub stack, FGR piping, safety valves, etc. Nationwide will arrange loading and unloading (and crane services, as required) at the storage location. Lessee must arrange and pay for the unloading and reloading at the plant site.
Who supplies the main gas regulator?
A regulator is included as a part of the pre-piped and wired gas train on our mobile boiler rooms and skid-mounted firetube rental boilers. For our watertube rental boilers, a separate pre-piped single or dual-monitor gas pressure regulator skid can be provided for an additional cost if the on-site gas pressure supply cannot be regulated to 15 psi. In either case, a constant and regulated gas pressure must be supplied to the boiler by the Lessee. See the specification sheet or drawing package for exact pressure requirement.
Who provides the No. 2 oil pump?
For units that fire No. 2 oil, the oil pump and automatic equipment (on boilers under 40,000 lbs/hr) are generally provided as an integral part of the boiler system. Atomizing steam and atomizing air piping (for start-up) is also provided for No. 2 oil firing.
Who provides the FD fan?
The FD fan is installed on boilers with an output of 70,000 lb/hr or less. For watertube boilers exceeding this capacity, the fan is typically shipped loose on an additional flatbed. A crane is required to install the fan and economizer on top of the burner housing of our 75,000 lb/hr superheat and 82,500 lb/hr saturated steam boilers or on a foundation next to our 125,000 lb/hr boiler.
Who provides the boiler exhaust stack and other auxiliaries?
Exhaust stacks, typically 7 ft. tall, are provided with all boiler rentals and are bolted to the trailer deck for shipment on boilers with an output of 70,000 lb/hr or less. Economizers, as required, are readily available for our 70,000 lb/hr thru 200,000 lb/hr watertube boilers and are shipped on a separate flatbed. FGR piping, CataStak SCR equipment, and raincaps may be also required as site conditions warrant. This equipment is also shipped on a flatbed. Loading, unloading, and installation of this additional equipment are the responsibility of the Lessee.
Who provides the hookup and disassembly?
Connection and disassembly are done by plant personnel or a local boiler shop. Trailer-mounted watertube boilers are usually supported by railroad ties spaced along the length of the trailer. We recommend only hard-piping for the interconnections. Most times, stub-outs from existing piping may be blank-flanged or capped for ease of future rental tie-ins.
Who provides start-up service?
Nationwide Boiler technicians provide this service at an additional charge.
What about fuel and electric power?
These are supplied by the Lessee. Nearly all of our rental boilers are manufactured to fire either natural gas or No. 2 oil. The standard mobile boiler room and trailer-mounted watertube boiler electrical requirement is a single-point 480V/3-phase/60 Hz connection. A 120V/1-phase control circuit transformer is included and pre-wired. Watertube boilers require a dry, clean control air supply (typ. 60 to 80 psi). See specification sheet or drawing package for exact power requirement.
Who provides No. 2 oil or propane tanks?
If the Lessee does not have a natural gas supply or fuel storage facility, then a local oil or LPG supplier can usually provide a temporary storage tank. A vaporizer and regulator(s) are also recommended for LPG firing. Please note a state inspection and operating permit for the tank(s) may be required (check with the state boiler inspection office). Please be sure to observe local NFPA or fire code clearances when installing the tank(s).
Who is responsible for the water treatment?
Boiler and feedwater treatment regularly used at the jobsite with existing plant equipment may be suitable for the rental boiler. Mobile boiler rooms are provided with water softeners and chemical treatment equipment. Salt for the brine tank, chemicals, and chemical treatment are by the Lessee. We recommend adherence to ASME recommended water quality limits. A consultation with a water treatment specialist, who most times is already on-site caring for existing equipment, is recommended. Removal of any scale that might develop during operation is the responsibility of the Lessee.
Who is responsible for the air permits?
Nationwide Boiler has pre-permitted rental boilers for use in the SCAQMD. Nationwide Boiler is required to inform the SCAQMD when a boiler is rented within the jurisdiction, and the Lessee is required to a perform a source test (if needed) within 90 days of start-up at the user's site. In other AQMD jurisdiction's, the Lessee must apply for and obtain a temporary air permit for the duration of the rental.
Who is responsible for the operating permits?
Operating permits are issued by state, and must be applied for and obtained by the Lessee.
How should a rental boiler be operated?
The boiler should be operated by competent engineers in accordance with the Lessor's Instruction & Operation Manual. Any occurrence or damage other than normal wear and tear is the responsibility of the Lessee. Generally, on-site boiler operators can handle our automatic boilers along with their existing duties. Boiler bottom and control blowdown is recommended at least once per shift.
How should the rental boiler be prepared for shipment after it is no longer needed by the user?
The boiler should be fully-drained, opened, washed-out, and inspected by the boiler inspector and plant personnel. In our mobile boiler rooms, the feed system, water softener, and chemical treatment equipment should also be fully-drained prior to shipment. The Inspection Report found in the front of the Instruction & Operation Manual should be completed and forwarded to Nationwide Boiler Inc. at the completion of the rental project. This work is the responsibility of the Lessee.
Who provides boiler freeze protection?
Freeze protection, as required for exposed skid-mounted equipment, trailer-moutned steam plants and watertube boilers, is the responsibility of the Lessee. Heated weather hoods built on-site are an option to typical heat tracing. Contact Nationwide Boiler for additional information about protecting equipment from freezing conditions.