Air Permitting for Boilers
It is important to be aware of what type of permitting process is required before a boiler is rented or purchased. Depending on the location of the jobsite there may be a lengthy permitting application process with the potential for monitoring and reporting requirements. In addition, some local permits are only applicable for certain time periods, so the duration of the rental boiler may need to be considered.
CataStak™ SCR Systems for Single Digit NOx Emissions
CataStak™ SCR Systems for Single Digit NOxAs allowable stack emissions become more stringent, plant facilities seek the lowest possible emissions to meet the newest standards, to add plant capacity without increasing overall emissions, or to minimize NOx emissions offset costs. Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) Systems are designed to reduce green house gases from boilers, specifically NOx, CO and VOC.
Emissions Compliance
The Clean Air Act by the EPA (last amended in 1990) created National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) to address six principal “criteria” pollutants that they considered harmful for public health and the environment. State and local agencies use the information created by the EPA in developing emission reduction strategies, plans and programs to assure they meet NAAQS. Current criteria pollutants include: nitrogen compounds (NOx), Sulfur compounds (SOx) Carbon Monoxide (CO), Particulate Matter (PM), ozone (03) and lead.
EconoStak Economizers for Added Fuel Efficiency
Economizers are an optional piece of equipment, utilized to create a more efficient operation.