The San Diego County Air Pollution Control District (SDAPCD) works to maintain and constantly improve air quality within the region. The district ensures that commercial, industrial, transportation and agricultural businesses are permitted and comply with the local air pollution regulations, and they incentivize cleaner technologies by offering grant funds.
Boilers and process heaters with a maximum heat input equal to or greater than 5 MMBtu/hr require a permit to operate from the district. In addition, units capable of being fired on liquid fuel with a maximum heat input of greater than or equal to 1 MMBtu/hr also require a permit to operate. Beginning April 1, 2021, the District will be accepting applications for boilers above 2 MMBtu/hr and less than 5 MMBtu/hr. These “medium size” boilers will require registration or permitting, even if fired exclusively on gaseous fuels.
Whether you are looking for a new boiler to meet the requirements of SDAPCD, or if you have an existing unit that needs to be brought into compliance, Nationwide Boiler can assist. Give us a call today at 800-227-1966
*a non-resettable, totalizing meter is required in each fuel line to measure the mass flow rate of each fuel to the unit; or, a non-resettable, totalizing meter in each fuel line to measure the volumetric rate, temperature, and pressure of each fuel to the unit