The Sacramento Metro Air Quality Management District (SMAQMD) is responsible for setting forth standards that help clean the air in Sacramento County to meet state and federal health standards. The area's two biggest air pollutants are ground-level ozone and particulate matter. In addition to emission regulations, the SMAQMD works with businesses to provide grant and incentive programs that help local businesses offset the cost of purchasing new and cleaner equipment.
Rule 411 was developed to limit NOx and CO emissions from boilers, steam generators, and process heaters. The requirements of this Rule apply to all units fired on gaseous or nongaseous fuels with a rated heat input of 1 MMBtu/hr or larger.
Whether you are looking for a new boiler to meet the requirements of SMAQMD, or if you have an existing unit that needs to be brought into compliance, Nationwide Boiler can assist. Give us a call today at 800-227-1966