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Commercial Industrial Boiler Efficiency Program - Offered by Enovity

EnovityDo you want to obtain no-cost, technical services and incentives for your boiler systems, while decreasing your energy costs? Enovity, a sustainability consulting firm, provides cash incentives for boiler efficiency improvements to commercial, industrial and agricultural customers in PG&E's service territory who pay the Public Good Charge or Public Purpose Surcharge and operate hot water or steam boilers.

Through Envoity's Commercial Industrial Boiler Efficiency Program, facilities were able to save over $2.8 million in annual energy costs and receive $2.9 million in cash incentives during the 2006-2008 Program cycle. As a result of Enovity's success, the Program will continue through the next funding period.

Enovity helps its customers identify boiler system energy efficiency opportunities at their facility, perform measurements and analysis to estimate energy savings, assist in the implementation of the energy efficiency upgrades (such as reviewing contractor proposals), verify the installation of measures and the final savings achieved, and provides a financial incentive to help buy down the cost of these projects. Enovotiy has also been instrumental in combining boiler energy efficiency with NOx upgrades in order to improved boiler capacity, improve operations and maintenance and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Examples of these measures include burner control upgrades (for 30 ppm NOx), burner combustion fan VFDs, and SCR installation and ULN burner replacement (such as replacing a high excess air, ULN burner with a low excess air 30 ppm NOx burner with a CataStak SCR system).

Benefits of participating in the Program include reduced energy consumption, reduced greenhouse gas emissions, reduced maintenance costs and improved system efficiency What do you have to lose?

Also, read Nationwide Boiler's case study about how a major California food processor was able to receive cash incentives as well as energy and emissions reductions though the installation of a an E2Stak solution (CataStak SCR system and EconoStak economizer) and a condensing stack heat recovery system.

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6 Tips for Improved Efficiency & Reduced NOx Emissions

Nationwide Boiler's Director of Environmental Solutions, Sean McMenamin, provided content for this month's issue of Process Heating Magazine. The topic of discussion this time around is reducing NOx emissions and improving overall boiler efficiency.

Sean has provided six tips to ensure the highest possible thermal efficiency, and lowest possible NOx output. This includes:

1. Reducing Stack Gas Temperature to Increase Efficiency
2. Managing Excess Air Levels for Optimum Performance
3. Utilizing Flue Gas Recirculation (FGR) to Reduce NOx Emissions
4. Selective Catalytic Reduction for Ultra-Low NOx Performance
5. Combining Economizers & SCR Systems for Emissions & Efficiency Gains
6. Monitoring Emissions & Efficiency Performance

For additional details related to these tips and tricks for reducing NOx and increasing efficiency, check out the full article in Process Heating's September 2018 issue!

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