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Boiler Blog | Nationwide Boiler Inc.

Nationwide Boiler news and events, industry updates, technical resources and more. You hear it first on The Nationwide Boiler Blog!

Can a Boiler Rental Company Work From Home?

The tragic events of the COVID-19 pandemic have affected many, placing people and businesses out of their normal operating procedures. Individuals typically have routines consisting of a normalized work schedule, personal or family responsibilities, and hobbies or other choice activities, in addition to the drudgery like laundry and cleaning the bathroom. All these activities fall into day to day life. Businesses have routines as well. Monday morning sales meetings, Thursday weekly training sessions, safety meetings, sales calls, purchase order acknowledgements, payroll and other various activities that make the work world turn.

What should be done during an “upset” condition?  Risk management in both our personal lives and work obligations needs to be a frequent topic. We must combine the worlds of our personal lives and our work lives because the reality of this “upset” condition impacts both.

As a rental boiler and related equipment supplier, in addition to a full-fledged engineering and procurement company, Nationwide is essential to keeping North America operating at survival capacity.  Our customers producing food, chemicals, pharmaceuticals and heat for hospitals and correctional facilities need us to be ready and available to continue to operate.

We also have the fiduciary responsibility to our employees to keep them healthy. In the office we are maintaining the required distance between people. We are washing down high contact areas; employees are even working from home. In the shop, where we work on the equipment that generates steam, feedwater and emissions control, the team is twice as vigilant. Management must lead the team to help them do the job while maintaining their own health and safety. Good planning of where equipment is placed for maintenance while rerouting higher foot traffic areas for items like parts, welding machines, tools, etc. are all considerations thought through to keep the machine turning and our people safe.

So, the question, “Can a boiler rental company work from home?” is not that simple.  Yes, sales, engineering, marketing, and accounting can do much of their work outside of the building. Boiler mechanics, testers, painters, QA and safety, in addition to leadership, needs to be hands on. There are gloves on those hands and masks on those smiles, but even in Silicon Valley there is no app for that.

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Steam: An Essential Utility, and the Rental Boiler Industry

Rental boilers are often overlooked as a necessity for many processing industries. However, in the midst of a crisis, the need for steam becomes much more apparent to the public eye. In the latest podcast episode from Inside the Boiler Room, ABMA President Scott Lynch discusses the rental boiler industry with Larry Day, Nationwide Boiler's President & CEO. Larry shares his insights on the world of rental boilers, which has significant relevance during the COVID-19 crisis with boilers near capacity at many hospitals and food processing facilities.

Larry and Scott discuss an array of topics, including the importance of rental boilers in times of crisis. As Larry stated, "Anytime there is a natural disaster, rental boilers are looked at almost like generators or air compressors. Steam is a utility, and that's where it comes in as an emergency condition. [Many businesses] need that utility to keep running." 

A rental boiler can provide added capacity for increased production needs or it can temporarily replace an existing boiler to keep a plant running. Specific information about the process must be known for the supplier to accurately quote a rental boiler application. This includes:  

  •    (1) Boiler Size / Steam Capacity Requirement (typically in HP or lb/hr)
  •    (2) Operating Pressure
  •    (3) Saturated or Superheated Steam Need (if superheat, what temperature)
  •    (4) Fuel Requirement
  •    (5) Any Auxiliary Equipment Needs
  •    (6) Emissions Requirements

Listen to the podcast now to learn more about rental boiler basics, the evolution of the rental boiler industry, and potential challenges with different technology and maintenance of rental boiler systems. Also, be sure to check out the ABMA’s Guideline for Rental Boilers, developed by members of the ABMA Rental Boiler Group, including Nationwide Boiler Inc.  

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Nationwide Boiler's 2022 Year in Review

Nationwide Boiler is fortunate to have closed on another record year in 2022 for rental and sales volume. Looking back at our customer base, it is extraordinary to see how many industries and manufacturing processes utilize steam. We worked with customers from roughly 15 different industries to supply reliable temporary boilers, new and used boilers and related equipment for permanent applications, the CataStak™ SCR system for single-digit NOx performance, and custom control systems and fuel skids from our Controls Division in Washougal.

The food processing industry pulled ahead this year as our largest industry served. Steam is used for many purposes in the food and beverage industry including heat, sterilization, food processing and preparation of sauces/flavors, canning, cooking, curing, and drying. We have annual rental customers in the food processing industry to support their seasonal increased steam demand needs. We also had a large number of projects with chemical & manufacturing companies, pulp and paper facilities, and oil & gas refineries. Steam is used for process heating, drying or concentrating, steam cracking and distillation in these industries. Other prominent customer groups included energy and power generation, colleges and universities, aerospace, pharmaceutical manufacturing, and textile mills.

In terms of geographical location, Nationwide Boiler supplied equipment to customers in locations spanning more than half of the states in the country, but also to customers outside of the U.S. As we like to say, Nationwide Boiler is not just ‘nationwide’, but ‘worldwide’, and this year we had the pleasure of supplying equipment to customers in Canada, Mexico, China, South Korea and Israel. Plus, we had our first equipment sale to a refinery in Kazakhstan - two (2) 75,000 lb/hr, 750 psi high-pressure saturated steam package boilers that will be utilized for process heating needs.

Steam continues to be a powerful source of heat and energy and is utilized in a wide variety of industries all across the globe. Nationwide Boiler is proud to be ending on a high note again this year, as we strive to continue our legacy of providing reliable temporary and permanent boiler solutions with “...Integrity, Dependability, and Real Customer Service.”

Check out our December 2022 edition of the Steamlines Newsletter to learn more about what's happening at Nationwide Boiler Inc. 

  6834 Hits