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Boiler Blog | Nationwide Boiler Inc.

Nationwide Boiler news and events, industry updates, technical resources and more. You hear it first on The Nationwide Boiler Blog!

Rental Boilers Online in a Matter of Days

The nature of the rental business is ever-changing, and at any moment a customer can call and need a mobile boiler shipped out immediately. Recently, one of Nationwide Boiler’s long-time customers required two industrial rental boilers for an emergency outage during repairs to their large power boiler. To keep operations running and to minimize plant downtime, Nationwide was there to assist every step of the way.

Nationwide Boiler is the largest rental boiler supplier on the west coast. With a rental fleet of over 100 boilers, Nationwide is well equipped to provide equipment for planned, unplanned, and emergency outages worldwide. Our top-most priority is our customers, and we will go out of our way to make sure we are able to address their needs effectively and efficiently.

Read our press release to learn how Nationwide Boiler’s Rental Manager, Tim McBride, solved an immediate boiler need at this pulp and paper facility.

  3244 Hits

IDEA Campus Energy 2019

Are you excited for this year’s IDEA Campus Energy show at the Hilton New Orleans Riverside? We know we are, because Nationwide Boiler will be exhibiting at the show! Director of Sales, Bill Testa, and Director of Environmental Solutions, Sean McMenamin will be at the show fielding all questions related to temporary boilers, new and reconditioned boilers, control panel upgrades, environmental solutions, and more.

The Campus Energy show consists of a variety of educational workshops, valuable presentations, and over one-thousand attendees that will come together to discuss the latest trends and changes in the district energy world. The show focuses on discovering more efficient and sustainable energy infrastructures for campuses, healthcare facilities, research centers, airports and military bases.

Nationwide Boiler has been providing products and services to colleges, universities, and district heating plants for over fifty years. We have a wide range of rental boilers, new, in-stock and reconditioned boilers for sale, burner management and control system upgrades, and CataStak™ SCR systems for ultra low NOx compliance. Nationwide truly is your one-stop, total solutions provider.

If you will be attending the show, be sure to stop by table #51 to learn about all of the products and services offered by Nationwide Boiler Inc.

Visit the event website for registration and additional details about the show.
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Boiler Basics 101: Basic Anatomy of a Boiler

Boilers are designed to produce steam to accomplish a multitude of tasks; from powering a plant to sterilizing hospital equipment. In simple terms, a boiler is a closed container in which water is heated to its boiling point to produce usable steam. In order to produce steam, there are two key items that must be involved: water and heat.

A boiler is comprised of two seperate systems: the steam-water system (waterside), and the fuel-air-flue system (fireside). As you might have guessed, water is first introduced into the waterside of the boiler. Alternatively, the fireside of the boiler provides heat, produced through the combustion of fuel (commonly natural gas or fuel oil, but can be another source) and air, which is controlled by the burner.  The heat that is created within the fireside is transferred to the waterside to produce steam.

To complete a boiler system, additional elements are required. This typically includes the following major components:

  •  Burner: a mechanical device that supplies the required fuel and air for proper combustion.
  •  Controls: the BMS (burner management system) protects the equipment and personnel from safety issues.
        The CCS (combustion control system) controls the air and fuel for proper combustion.
  •  Fan: supplies air for the combustion to take place.
  •  Water Softener: pre-treats the boiler feedwater for removal of hardness, which would otherwise cause detrimental scale
     inside the boiler system.
  •  Deaerator / Feedwater System: removes oxygen and gases from boiler feedwater supply (which will also damage boiler
    internals), and feeds it to the boiler system via high pressure feedwater pumps.

All of these elements come together to create a robust steam supply system that is utilized in an abundance of processes throughout many different industries. Boilers truly are a work of art, with many pieces working as one system to make something extremely powerful and impactful, which is why we at Nationwide Boiler are so passionate about what we do.

Stay tuned for the next article in ur Boiler Basics 101 series to learn more about common types of boiler systems.  

  8786 Hits