Essential Steps for Safe and Efficient Rental Boiler Equipment Return - Boiler Blog | Nationwide Boiler Inc. - Nationwide Boiler Inc.
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Essential Steps for Safe and Efficient Rental Boiler Equipment Return


At the end of a rental boiler project, proper decommissioning is key to ensure safe transport back to the rental boiler supplier and to avoid any unforeseen costs. It’s not just about disconnecting and moving the equipment - taking a few simple precautions can prevent potential damage and ensure everything is ready for return. Review and follow the steps below for a smooth, hassle-free pick-up and return of your rental boiler equipment.

Drain & Flush

Start by thoroughly draining and flushing all the boiler lines with clean water, making sure all water drain valves are fully opened. This step helps eliminate any remaining water that could cause corrosion or freeze damage, potentially harming the system during transport or storage. Flushing the lines also removes debris and buildup, improving the boiler’s performance for future use.


Next, take the time to carefully inspect both the fireside and waterside surfaces for any visible damage, scale buildup, or issues with the refractory lining. These areas are crucial to the boiler’s efficiency, and any damage or buildup could lead to serious problems later. It’s also a good idea to take clear photos of the boiler’s condition at the end of the rental period. This way, there is a record to reference in case there are any questions or concerns about its condition when returned.

Equipment Prep for Removal

The stack and other components that were installed upon arrival to the jobsite should be removed and mounted back on the rental boiler trailer and/or shipping skid. Be sure to securely bolt the stub stack, non-return valve, safety valves, and vent valve back into place, just as they were when the equipment was delivered. Aligning everything properly ensures that each component stays in place during transport, avoiding movement or potential damage.

Additional equipment prep should be completed as follows:

  1. Cover all boiler openings: this includes the stack, steam, gas, and water connections, electrical panel, and safety valve openings.
  1. Reattach running gear and gooseneck: If the trailer was taken apart for transport, ensure that the running gear and gooseneck are properly reattached before moving the trailer.
  1. Check tire pressure: Before transport, it's important to check the tire pressure of the trailer. Make sure the tires are inflated to the manufacturer’s recommended levels for optimal performance and safety.

By following these steps the return process becomes seamless, protecting the rental boiler, feed system or auxiliary equipment and ensuring that everything is handled properly from start to finish. If you have questions about preparing for the return delivery of your rental boiler equipment, don't hesitate to call Nationwide Boiler at 800-227-1966.

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