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Boiler Blog | Nationwide Boiler Inc.

Nationwide Boiler news and events, industry updates, technical resources and more. You hear it first on The Nationwide Boiler Blog!

Tomato Season Has Arrived!

The food processing industry relies heavily on companies like Nationwide Boiler for providing temporary steam for seasonal production, especially every summer when tomato season rolls around. One report indicates that California accounts for more than 90 percent of the U.S. production of tomatoes and in 2008 the state recorded a $953 million crop. As a food staple, tomatoes can be found in one form of another in most every household and are used in ketchup, pizza and pasta sauce and salsa, and many other products requiring tomato paste.

Nationwide has always taken a proactive approach towards renting equipment to tomato processors located in California's Central Valley. To keep the industry running, it is vital that Nationwide stock an adequate amount of trailer-mounted boilers in anticipation of an abundant harvest, on top of equipment already rented out to customers in other industries. It is also important that Nationwide continually stay in contact with tomato processors well in advance of the start of the season to ensure equipment is available and operating prior to tomato delivery.

One prominent processor located near Modesto, CA recently rented a 70,000 lb/hr trailer-mounted boiler with a CataStakâ„¢ SCR system and an EconoStak economizer. As in previous years, the equipment was delivered as the company was preparing to ramp up production prior to the first tomato-laden trucks rolling in. The addition of the CataStak and EconoStak improved boiler efficiency and the boiler easily met the 5 ppm NOx emission requirement required by the local air district. Not only is Nationwide providing an immediate supply of steam, but the company is also providing an environmentally green solution.

The next time you enjoy ketchup with your fries or when you add an extra scoop of sauce to go with your spaghetti, remember that Nationwide Boiler was involved in making sure those tomatoes made it to your plate, and we expect to continue to do the same - time and time again.
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Meet Nationwide Boiler's Rental Manager at the Western Regional Boiler Association Conference

The Western Regional Boiler Association Conference will take place March 15-17th at the Hilton Eugene & Conference Center in Eugene, Oregon. Nationwide Boiler's Rental Manager, Michael Medina, will be attending the show and he will be on site to answer questions pertaining to Emergency Contingency Planning and temporary boiler solutions.

Nationwide Boiler's presentation, Guidelines for Preparing for a Temporary Steam Plant, was presented during last year's conference and it provided attendees with a general overview of what's required when renting a boiler and what stages of planning are necessary when renting boilers. If you are interested in obtaining a copy of this presentation, please contact us at, or come and visit us at the conference. You can also download Nationwide's free Emergency Preparedness Guide to ensure that your facility's contingency plan is in place and ready, should an emergency arise.

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Keeping up with the Compliance's

As much as we sometimes wish they would just go away, compliance regulations are here to stay.  Overall, regulations are put into place by local governing agencies for the health and safety of the public, environment and plant operations.  These are all items which we agree must be top priority. However, the most difficult part of regulations is interpreting, comprehending, and staying current with new rules, revisions, and updates.  Combine that with the fact that the applicability of regulations can also be daunting -- things just get harder and harder.  

When it comes to NOx compliance, Nationwide Boiler has you covered.  We have helped hundreds if not thousands of customers meet both local and national NOx compliance regulations ever since the Clean Air Act passed in the 1980’s.   Our boiler rental fleet is equipped with the most advanced burners the industry has to offer and our new and reconditioned boilers all include energy efficiency upgrade options and CataStak™ SCR System component add-ons, proven to reduce NOx to levels as low as 5 ppm.

Our most recent compliance success story is a project we recently completed with NRG Energy Center San Francisco.  Nationwide Boiler provided a single Ammonia-Free CataStak™ SCR System for two 55,000 lb/hr natural gas-fired boilers that were required to operate at 9 ppm NOx levels as governed by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD).

Read more about this project and how it demonstrated a simple method of reducing greenhouse gas emissions without the use of a standard ammonia-based SCR in the fall edition of Today’s Boiler.

If you need help keeping up with compliance's, call us today at 510-490-7100.  We can help.

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Not Just Nationwide: Business In Focus Magazine

Nationwide Boiler is featured in this month's issue of Business In Focus Magazine. Marketing Manager, Chelsey Ryker, was interviewed for an in-depth look at the company, our history, memorable projects, and what's in store for our future.

Big thanks to Nationwide Boiler representatives, Bailey Boiler and Combustion Systems, Inc. for supporting us and placing an ad in the issue!

Check out the full article here:
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