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Protect Your Boiler From Freezing Conditions!

We are well into the winter season, which calls for a quick reminder on freeze protection for any boiler equipment installed outdoors, whether it is a temporary rental boiler or your facility equipment. Taking the proper preventative measures will avoid operational difficulties and major damage to your system. During freezing weather conditions, Nationwide Boiler recommends the following:

1. Enclose both the front and rear of the boiler area and use an external heat source to minimize freezing conditions.

2. Install heat tracing with insulation to protect exposed stagnant water lines.

3. Utilize an appropriate heat tracing method (electric or steam tracing) to all of your main lines and piping components. This includes the following lines, which should be heat traced regardless of whether the boiler is in operation or not (in freezing conditions):

a. Sensing lines (steam drum to CRM, high steam, and steam gauge)
b. Auxiliary low-water cut-off
c. Water column
d. Level control blowdown
e. Main and continuous blowdown (depending on length of piping runs)

4. In addition to heat tracing on stagnant sensing lines, drain the lines and fill them with a 50/50 (water/glycol) solution, making sure to re-connect the line.

5. When an extended boiler down time is expected, completely drain the boiler and stagnant water lines.

The above are recommendations, however, be sure to use sound engineering judgement calls when there are concerns of possible freeze damage to the equipment. And remember, with most rental companies, any freeze damage that requires repairs or replacement of boiler components will be the responsibility of the customer, so it is imperative that you take the correct steps to freeze protect your temporary equipment.

For further details on our freeze protection recommendations, feel free to give us a call at 1-800-227-1966.

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